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Who is the right dietitian for this MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM? Are you WONDERING if you should be here? The answer is YES!

Whether you have been an RD for years, passed your RD exam last month or you are simply looking for a change of scenery, this course is for you because you have the desire. You have already taken the hardest step which is putting yourself out there and committing to investing time and money into your career.

Many of you answered a few questions for us when you signed up for the interest list, including how you are currently practicing as a dietitian. There were 4 categories we were looking at: 

  1. You are employed in a full-time position, but are interested in forming a practice.
  2. You have a new practice, and are actively looking for ways to jumpstart it.
  3. You have an established practice, and are actively looking for ways to grow your business.
  4. You are a newly minted RD who wants to begin a new exciting chapter of my career.

When we were looking at the results it was so interesting to see that a majority of registered dietitians are not satisfied in their full-time jobs. Over half of you said you currently have a full time job but are interested in pursue private practice. 

So I want to ask you a question. What has been stopping you from creating your dream career?

  • Is it the money, time, confidence, fear, or self doubt? You aren’t alone!
  • Or maybe you are going through all the “what if's". What if everything falls around you? What if you don’t succeed? What if you regret this decision? What if it doesn’t work out?

We will be addressing a lot of these throughout the course, but the common denominator is that you are your biggest limitation.  When it comes to going after what you want and taking  major risks, it is definitely scary. It is scary not to know what will happen and to keep thinking the “what if's”. That is why most people don’t take the leap into entrepreneurship. But uncertainty is nothing to be scared about. It's time to stop the thought process that you have to know it all before you go after what you want. You will learn from the experience.

Take big risks, the rewards will be more exciting than what you could have imagined. You do not have to have a degree in business or wait until you have more credentials to be successful. You do have to invest in yourself, surround yourself with like-minded people who will support your desires and take bold action.


Before we get started, let’s review what INSPIRD TO SEEK is and how to make the most out of being a member.

The INSPIRD to SEEK Guide is a set of reading and audio material as well as exercises that teach the business skills you need to thrive in your practice. It's structured as both a self-paced program or a 6-week guided process through the Mentor Program.

The two main components are as follows:

  1. INSPIRD to SEEK Modules - Online content that will be updated over time through the lifetime of your membership. Read through it on your own, or follow with us through audio. We’ve also included some activities and exercises throughout the Modules to help provide some structure and organization to specific areas to consider for your business.
  2. Mentor Program - An private Facebook group where Haley and Monica will guide you through the Online Modules over the course of 6 weeks and hold Q&A Seminar sessions through Facebook Live.  Each week, we will guide you through the 6 Program Modules, go live with 2 new seminar topics, and bring up new discussion points or answer any questions that you have. The Mentor Program is held once every quarter. The material will stay up for you and won't be erased, so you can always head back to watch any videos and re-read discussion threads. 

How can you make the most out of this program?

As you go through the process of starting your business, what you will learn is how easy it is to go through the motions of legally starting one, but keeping the journey going will require connecting with people who understand what you’re going through and want to see you succeed. You have already taken that first critical step in investing in yourself through this program, and you will get the most out of this when you:

  • Actively participate in discussions
  • Create new relationships with other members
  • Reach out to myself, Haley and others.

If you’re not comfortable quite yet in being an active participant, that’s OK too!  Just be sure to read through the discussion threads if you're in the #INSPIRDtoSEEK community or the private Mentor Program group, because the questions that others have may very well pertain to your situation too.

Just remember, there is no single right way to start and run a business. Rather, it’s about taking the sum of the experiences of everyone who you encounter, listen and learn from their different perspectives, and taking all that information to make it your own. 

It’s also about having the support to know that you can do things beyond what you’re typically comfortable with, and telling yourself that you are absolutely capable of doing whatever you want to achieve.

And most importantly, it’s about being open to collaboration and sharing your own experiences, because you are as much of a mentor to everyone else based on the unique experiences that you have had. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely at times, so it’s more fun when you have others to share the thrills and joys with. And you never know what new opportunities can open up for you the next time you have a random conversation. 

Just ask Haley! One day, she thought to herself: how can she give back and help other RD entrepreneurs achieve their own dreams? And by opening herself to the possibilities of what can be achieved, here we are!

Sometimes, we all just need a bit of guidance, and that is exactly why Haley and WellSeek are here to help you.